The Essentials of Sports Ministry

Number One: Prayer

The single most important ingredient in building a sports ministry is prayer. If a program is truly to be God-driven, the guiding force must come from the Holy Spirit. Anything less and the program will be a spiritual disaster.

Prayer is communicating with God. It is where we voice our concerns, place our petitions, offer our praise and worship, and seek wisdom and guidance.

Prayer is also where we listen to God. If He is to guide us, we must be sensitive top His direction. Most people do not hear God's literal voice. This is why we use ht eBible in our prayer. Prayer makes us open to the messages of God delivered many, many years ago.

Prayer is where we offer ourselves as servants of the Most High. It is where we place ourselves on the altar along with everything that makes us unique...our gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. We place ourselves in God’s hands and seek His help and guidance in fulfilling the tasks to which He has called us.

We come before Him humbly seeking no honor or glory for ourselves. We are called to build His kingdom, not ours. We must acknowledge that everything belongs to God. He created it. He owns it. He will distribute His resources as it pleases Him.

“Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

“But first seek His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

The Scriptures demonstrate the significance of prayer over and over again. Any true follower of Christ knows that prayer is critical. Prayer must be at the forefront of any endeavor being used to further God’s kingdom.

Forming a prayer team of godly men and women is a critical strategy that should not be ignored or taken lightly. God honors prayer. Prayer can overcome obstacles that appear to be impossible. With God, all things are possible.

Take note: There is power in prayer. God answers prayer. Do not, under any circumstances, underestimate prayer and its importance. It is our link with God and His link with us.

As a Life Coach we ask you to do the following:

    • Pray regularly for each kid on your sports team by name
    • Weekly connect with one family for prayer over the phone or in person
    • Monthly connect with your coach for prayer; and
    • Maintain a prayer journal of specific needs concerning the team and families you’ve been placed with to minister

Number Two: Leadership Is Critical

Identifying the right leader or leaders to direct sports ministry programs is critical. You can develop the best curriculum, the best programs and have an abundance of resources but without the right leadership you will not have a successful sports ministry.

An effective sports minister is:

    1. Totally committed to Christ.
    2. Has a great love and overwhelming passion to reach others for Christ.
    3. Is a person of integrity who will not compromise.
    4. Is honest, sincere, someone who can be trusted and depended upon.
    5. Has a servant's heart and a willingness to serve others. Strive to give all the honor and glory to God and not to self.
    6. Is not easily discouraged; has perseverance; will not let obstacles prevent him/her from achieving goals.
    7. Has a positive attitude, not blaming others but seeking solutions, not excuses.
    8. Has a sense of humor. 
    9. Is a good teacher; understands sports and relates well with young people.
    10. Is flexible
    11. Loves people more than "your" platform

Those characteristics are essential. In addition, leaders should also:

    • Realize that “local” disciple-makers have an as important role in a sports ministry;
    • Actively mentor others and willingly give up roles to reproduce and empower others;
    • Seek to grow their teams with people who have greater talent and ability than themselves. (good leaders are not threatened by the gifts of others);
    • Seek to include people from all ages and cultures

Is it impossible to find a person with all these characteristics? Not really. Go back to Number One: Prayer. God has already prepared an individual for this task. Your job as the one developing this outreach is to find that person. Don’t be in a hurry or you may be tempted to compromise the program before it even starts. Be patient and wait upon the Lord.

Number Three: Presence

Someone once said that love is best spelled T-I-M-E. Be present at your agreed upon time to lead your devotional, but also spend some time watching your team compete. The more you are seen and present, the better. As you establish relationships, doors for ministry will swing wide open.

Number Four: Flexibility

The locations where you minister are going to vary greatly. Embrace the environments you will be in and use them creatively to engage your team. Sports tournaments can be tricky: schedules changes and; meeting times vary. Always be willing to alter your time and location. As you remain flexible, your coaches and parents will begin to trust you more and more.